Update: Young Women Master Tailoring
The Women Master Tailoring project began in March 2024 with training for the first group of 5 women in tailoring and dressmaking. These young women learned about finance, business management, and the importance of working together in a group. They are now part of a self-help group. With the tailoring skills they gained, they can earn money, which is a key step towards being financially independent and improving their lives.
The community supported two women by providing them with sewing machines and a space to set up their workstations. Two other women received machines and workspaces from Kalyet Afya Foundation, while one woman was given an internship to practice her skills.
We held a special training session on finance and business management, where participants learned about leadership, business development, and money management.
Since we didn’t have enough participants, we combined the first and second groups into one to form a single Self-Help Group (SHG). This group will help the women save money and grow together, as they meet twice a month to share ideas and track their progress.
The community showed great interest in our project and requested more training opportunities for young people. We have noticed strong community support for our efforts to help young women gain skills for financial stability.
The second phase of the Women Master Tailoring project began on November 4, 2024, with a new group of 5 women starting their tailoring training. They are steadily learning new skills that will prepare them for business.
The women are very motivated and have set savings goals. They plan to use their saved money to buy essential tools and materials for their tailoring businesses after completing their six-month training. This will help them launch their businesses successfully.
We look forward to sharing more updates about the project as it continues!