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Update Pig Rearing Project

A short update on the Pig Rearing project of OLCAP that started in 2021:

“The pigs are doing well. This one is almost due. Others gave birth to either 11 or 8 piglets,” says Martha Mwangi from iMPACT direct during a visit to OLCAP.

“This means that the business model that OLCAP uses works very well. Every recipient will donate 2 piglets to a new project participant again. The others grow to maturity and the women participants sell to earn an income.

However, there are challenges experienced as well: One recipient noted that the piglets needed medication as they were not as healthy. OLCAP’s director Maureen gave the lady some cash to buy vitamins for the piglets and called the veterinary to check on the sow.”

iMPACT direct

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