Update: Continuation of the Literacy school Project
With an extra ā¬ 550, 477 (14 Men, 463 women) trainees benefited from basic literacy. The trainees gained essential literacy and numeracy skills, building their confidence and leadership skills. Restorative Seed Society also established a new learning centre at Zupeliga. The budget also facilitated the adaptation of Nabdam Literacy School curriculum and teaching methods to suit the needs and learning styles of the local women and girls. This involved incorporating more practical or hands-on learning activities, using local languages, or focusing on specific topics that are relevant to the community.
It is worth noting that the project did not reach its initial target of 2000 participants. Instead, 658 were trained in the first phase and an additional 477 beneficiaries in the last phase. This was as a result of challenges to secure volunteer teachers, difficulties in reaching the target population since most of them migrate during the dry season. Further, the community expected learning specific skills that were not in the curriculum, such as agriculture and financial literacy. These were to be considered only after the foundation of reading and writing was established in English.
Below are the notable changes in the community since the project started:
- Improved literacy and numeracy skills: This has enabled them to communicate more effectively, perform basic arithmetic calculations, and engage in activities that were previously inaccessible to them.
- Increased economic independence: Educated women are more likely to gain economic independence, and the project has enabled women to participate more actively in the local economy. The project has contributed to boosting the beneficiaries’ self-confidence and their ability to participate in local governance and decision-making processes.
- Improved reproductive health: The project has empowered women with knowledge on sexual and reproductive health rights. This has contributed to reducing the rate of child marriages and teenage pregnancies in the community.
- Increased community participation: The participants are becoming more involved in local governance and decision-making processes. This has led to greater accountability and transparency in local government, improving the overall wellbeing of the community.