If you need any help, have any questions, you can always send us a support-request. To submit a support ticket, go to ‘Support’ in your ‘Dashboard’ and click on the ‘+ New Ticket’ button. Your name and e-mail address are automatically displayed and are assigned to the account you are using.
If you have several issues and questions, please create 1 ticket for each separate question. This will help you in creating an archive with answers, while in the same time it’s keeping this system organized and efficient.

Describe your problem and provide a brief summary in the ‘Description’ field. If needed, you can attach a screenshot that illustrates your problem by clicking ‘attach file’. Uploading other kinds of files to help solve your problem is also possible.

Select ‘Category’ to assign your support-request to the right support-team. If you are not sure which category to assign your support-ticket to, choose ‘General’.
Click ‘Submit ticket’ to send your support-request. We will respond asap. You’ll get a notification by e-mail, and the response is to be found in your ‘Dashboard’ on the ‘ Support’ page.
After submitting the support-ticket, it is added to your ticketlist in ‘Support’ on your ‘Dashboard’.
The status of the ticket is set to ‘Open’. If you want to see, adjust or add something to the support-ticket, click the subject of the ticket to open the ticket. Then simply follow the previous step to add a question or remark to the support-ticket.

When your question is answered, click the ‘Subject’ of the ticket to see the response. If the response solves your problem, please close the ticket, by clicking ‘Close’ in the top toolbar of the support-ticket. If we ask for information, or you have more questions on the issue yourself, you can reply directly. Unanswered tickets will be automatically closed after 21 days. You’ll be notified per e-mail.

Support-ticket status
Open: You have send us a support-request and it’s not answered yet.
Awaiting reply NGO: Your support-request is answered by iMPACT direct. You can now send a reply, or when your problem is solved, you can close the ticket.
Awaiting reply iMPACT direct: After an answer by iMPACT direct, you have replied to the support-ticket. iMPACT direct is now to reply to your question/remark.
Closed: The ticket is closed. If you ever have any questions about this specific topic, you can simply re-open the ticket by clicking on the ‘Subject’ and send your question. The ticket is automatically re-opened.