Before you begin, make sure you have the following information and uploads ready when doing the application:
– Your NGO’s bank details*
– A copy of your NGO registration*
– Two financial reports of the past two years*
– A link or document where we can see who your NGO’s board members and managers are.*
– Your NGO’s logo*
– Picture of your team*
– Links to the social platforms of your NGO
– Link to video (Youtube/Vimeo) about your NGO
* required
Make sure you have a sound internet connection. In case the connection fails while filling in the form it might cause loss of already filled in answers.
Some of the data you share will be displayed on our website for visitors to see. Such as your logo and the picture of your NGO’s team, text about the mission of the NGO, etc.
Data we will not share on our website for visitors:
– Copy of your NGO’s registration
– Financial reports
– Bank details
– NGO’s vision on partnering
If you have any questions you can submit a support ticket and we’ll send you an answer in your account.