To do the application, go to NGO in your dashboard. You’ll find a document with your NGO’s (short) name. The document is offline. By clicking the pencil under ‘Options’ you can start the application.

The application includes 4 pages.
This is set by the website. Don’t change anything.
Full name NGO
Fill in your NGO’s full name
Short name NGO
This is already set by the website and should be correct. If not, fill in your NGO’s short or popular name. In case of an abbreviation, use capitals. So the NGO ‘New User Tutorial’ would use the short name ‘NUT’. If your NGO does not use a short or popular name, please fill in the full name of the NGO again.
E-mailaddress NGO
E-mailaddress of the NGO
Phone NGO
Phonenumber of the NGO. First + and landcode, followed by the phone number.
Website NGO
Website of the NGO. Complete url, including http:// or https://
Your role in the organisation
What is your role within the NGO
Women-led NGO
With women-led NGOs we mean NGOs that have 50% or more women in leadership positions
County NGO
In which country is your NGO situated? Select one of the countries in the dropdown-menu.
Region NGO
In which region is your NGO situated
District/county NGO
In which district/county is your NGO situated
City/village NGO
In which city/village is your NGO situated
Name of bank
What is de name of the bank of your NGO
Bank account number
What is your NGO’s bank account number. This will be used to transfer donations after your project is finished on our website.
Swift code
Swift code of your NGO’s bank. All Swift codes in the world can be found HERE, categorized per country.