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Support these 5 projects in December

These projects almost reached their target amount! They still need another ā‚¬9,919 to reach the target amount and kick-off their project.

The great thing is, to every donation, Wilde Ganzen adds another 50%!

The impact that these projects make?

  • 40 small-scale farmers increase their income by adding value to root and tuber crops in Kiambu County Kenya.(COSDEP, Kiambu, Kenya)
  • 10 vulnerable households gain a balanced diet and increase their income by implementing mixed farming. (OLCAP, Kakamega, Kenya)
  • 130 young people working in the informal sector, will build their skills, for example that of solar electrician, and will have better jobs or businesses after vocational skills training. (Pinasol, Effiduase, Ghana)
  • 10 young women will have a sustainable income from their tailoring and dressmaking businesses, and therefore attain access to (reproductive) health care. (KAF, Kakamega, Kenya)
  • 100 rural women run snail farming cooperatives in Ghana that increases their income by 85% and improves food security for the entire family. (HCF, Sunyani, Ghana)

1,305 project participants and their family members will increase their income or harvest, which will lift them out of extreme poverty.

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