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Regeneration Approach

Our work is based on a holistic system approach that models people working with intention to transform their circumstances, inspire resilience and create thriving lives.

Through workshops, seminars and circle gatherings we invite people to engage in dialogue and exercises that help them understand their circumstances and then birth their own solutions. The tools we use are a regenerative philosophy we call ‘reclaiming wastelands’ and a dialogue approach that invites people to think for themselves, use their experiences as the template for transformation and craft their own solutions. We inspire people to us the acronym RECLAIM to ‘reclaim’ their lives using these tenets/values:

Taking RESPONSIBILITY – awakening understanding of my situation, embodying and owning it;

EMPOWEREDNESS – Taking charge of my life;

COURAGE: -No matter what, choosing to overcome my fear and living my life fully and fearlessly;

LOVE AND LIGHT – Choosing to love (and shine divine light onto) myself unconditionally in order to love others;

ADJUSTIVENESS – Dancing with what shows up in my life – flowing like a river;

INTUITION – allowing divine wisdom to inform my mind;

MINDFULNESS – Being present in my life every moment.

Secondly, the Dialogue approach takes people through a series of questions so that they understand who they are, what stops them, who they want to become and what they need to do to get there.

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