Young Women Master Tailoring
Local solution
Early this year during our baseline survey on Knowledge, practice and awareness of family planning we got positive results. In one of our follow-up dialogue meetings with the women aged 18-35 a question arose ”Sasa juu tumejua jinsi ya kupanga Uzazi ,sisi kama wanawake nini tunaweza fanya kujinufaisha?”(Translation:Now that we are aware and are embracing family planning, what can we do to empower ourselves?)
We collectively noted that there is a gap in economic empowerment particularly in vocational training; we further gathered community views in subsequent meetings and the young women master tailoring program idea was born after a long deliberation.
Kalyet Afya Foundation (KAF) will be supporting women to become small business owners, which will lift them and their families out of extreme poverty. In this project they will support 10 passionate yet vulnerable young women in Molo Sub County to become tailors.
These young women aged 18 to 35 years have limited education and are unemployed. They now depend on small-scale farming and seasonal menial labour for subsistence. Income from this type of work is always insecure and often leads to seasonal poverty.
Consequently, they are very committed to start learning skills necessary to secure employment and become self-sufficient. The trainees decided on the topic, and the times of training.
These women will be trained in tailoring in a 6-month period per group of 5 in which they attain knowledge and skills in dressmaking, tailoring, pattern drafting, embroidery and garment fashion design. As well as financial literacy skills to make the most of the limited resources they have, and business management to be able to run successful and profitable ventures. After the training the women start two self-help groups, for joint saving and support.
Ultimately, the 10 trainees are competent tailors and dressmakers, who together or alone will start their own tailoring shops. They are then ready to create stunning garments or take in orders to make school uniforms, something which is usually done far away and can now be done close to home.
Tailoring is a lucrative and empowering occupation. And that is why KAF believes that the tailoring course will change the lives of these women.
Lives improved10 young women start a business in tailoring and dressmaking. In 1 year time, the women will have a sustainable source of income, the whole year round. This allows them to earn a decent living and break out of poverty. It means decent living conditions for the 10 trainees and on average 50 family members like having nutritious food at the table, purchasing water tanks, improving housing conditions and meeting other basic needs.
Community impactFirst of all, the trainees will be able to function as positive role models for their children and other young women in the community.
In the long run, at least 8 out of 10 women have tailoring shops either individually or as a group. They also get to train and employ other local residents, resulting in a bigger impact in the community.
BudgetThe budget for the following activities is Ksh1,343,684 (or €9,003). The donation will be used to:
- Purchase sewing equipment like sewing machines, fabric, thread, needles among others.
- 2 trainers in tailoring and dressing making.
- Project Coordination, Monitoring & Evaluation by KAF.
- 5% to iMPACT direct for facilitating direct donations to local solutions (covering our costs for the website, financial costs of direct donations, and basic costs to support NGOs in promotion and fundraising.)
KAF will contribute in the following;
Add Ksh 218,500.00 an equivalent to €1625 to the project for the activities below.
- Provide a training space for the women at KAF premises.
- Purchase of tables and chairs.
- Provide business management, and finance management skills’ training.
Project Details
ProjectYoung Women Master Tailoring
LocationKenyaMolo Sub County
Sustainable Development Goals
No Poverty
Start dateMarch 1, 2024
End dateFebruary 28, 2025
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€ 8,492 Raisedof € 8,492