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Grow Women Fish Business

10 women and youth will multiply and diversify their income by setting up a hotline and delivery system for businesswomen in fish, and by selling hand-made products in Mulungu, Uganda.
  • Local solution

    10 young and women fishmongers will set up a business hub that includes a hotline and delivery system that enables them to sell more fish, as well as a place to sell their handmade products. The hotline is to receive fish orders from a bigger area, using a motorcycle to deliver quickly and securely to more customers.

    The multiplying and diversifying of their income are much needed for the group of teenage mothers and single parents that will participate in the project, who are currently living in extreme poverty. In turn, poverty drives many fishmonger women into exchanging sex for fish or income, making them vulnerable to being exposed to diseases, gender-based violence and drug abuse.

    In an assessment that Mbeleni Foundation did with this women group, they came up with this solution to sell more fish and to more people by improving the delivery system for fish. Customers who do not have time or travel means to come to the fish landing side can now also be reached. Moreover, in the business hub where the hotline will be located, there will be also room to exhibit their handmade products they already know how to manufacture, like clothes, soap, paper-bags and bakery products. This will give them two sources of revenue, altogether making their business financial sustainable.

    The women will be managing the hotline, the delivery, and the marketing of it themselves. An Mbeleni provides them with training and mentorship.

    Mbeleni Foundation is an experienced team that has successfully run a similar project. In a previous project all group members learned soft skills of communication, customer care and bookkeeping among others which they are employing in their fish business. Moreover, Mbeleni also saw that women learn handcraft skills from each other.

    Lives improved

    In a short term, 10 women and youth will now sell more fish to more customers, as well as getting an additional income from selling handicrafts. The increase in income will get 10 women and on average 40 family members out of extreme poverty, which means there will be more nutritious food at the table, access to education and health care, or investing in better housing.

    In addition, it shows that financially independent women will be less prone to (sexual) violence), and so their physical and mental wellbeing will be improved with this project. As well as that of their kids.

    Community impact

    A fully functional business hub will create employable opportunities for the participants, and new also beyond this project.


    The budget for the following activities is 14,734,937 UGX (or €3,684). The donation will be used to:

    • Facilitate the procurement of equipment for a hotline: €400
    • Procure a motorcycle: €2,000
    • 2 sewing machines: €400
    • 2 safe-riding motorcycle kits: €50
    • Provide start-up to procure materials to support the production of handicrafts: €250
    • Hours for coordination, training, mentoring, and evaluation: €400
    • 5% to iMPACT direct for facilitating direct donations to local solutions (which helps to cover costs of the website, promotion and proposal writing, costs of financial services and the support to NGOs).

    Own contribution: Mbeleni Foundation will offer a venue for group meetings and training that will be conducted. Guided by the core value of our volunteerism, the project accountant and the M&E staff will offer 30% of their time as a contribution towards the project implementation and supervision, project Monitoring and Evaluation and reporting.

I currently sell two 20-litre jerry cans of liquid soap at 25,000 UGX (or 6 euros) per jerrycan per week. This supplements my fish business income.

Mama Bashi (participant of previous project)

    Project Details

    • Project
      Grow Women Fish Business
    • NGO
      Mbeleni Foundation
    • Location
      Mulungu, Uganda
    • Sustainable Development Goals
    • No Poverty
    • Start date
      July 1, 2024
    • End date
      January 31, 2025

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    Project Proposal

    Mbeleni Foundation

    Mbeleni is a women-led Non governmental organisation that is passionate about economic empowerment and livelihood improvement of the refugees and their host communities, specifically women and youth. We believe that economically independent persons have the ability to make independent choices and decisions. Our intentional integration of economic empowerment in all our work has made it our niche. Mbeleni has played a vital role in equipping women and youth with life skills like baking, soap making, tailoring in the places that we have worked where some women and youth beneficiaries have used the given skills to supplement their income.

    Project in Pictures

    Project location Grow Women Fish Business

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