Output report Literacy School
The project is still running. Results so far are:
- 13 volunteers trained to conduct classes
- 402 adult women started classes
Observed changes
On 5th November, 2021 one of our volunteers, Doris from Kongo Gorug during one of our visits whispered to me “the local school authorities have started according us so much respect because of the work we are doing with the women in the community and I am happy.”
Also on one of our rounds, a woman approaches me while we were leaving the community and says that they have a group of women in the same community and would like to benefit from the Literacy Training.
Two of our volunteers Millicent and Paulina in Zupeliga one of our communities in the Nabdam District are setting up new classes for more people in the community who have expressed interest in taking part.
Video report
Adaptions made
The initial plan was to procure study desks and set up a model learning centre in Nangodi to be used as a model for the district. However we have difficulty finding a suitable location in Nangodi to serve the purpose. Meanwhile at the same time some of our communities don’t have study desks. WE therefore resolved to distribute the procured study desks among various communities instead of going by the initial plan.
Also we planned going on a field trips with the some of the participants to hospitals, Banks, etc to help learners familiarise with the system and to build their confidence. This has not happended for two reasons: 1) COVID-19 restrictions; and 2) Learners are engaged on their farms at this time either planting or harvesting and are not available for activities that will take them out of their communities for long hours.
We have alternatively started increasing the number of communities to benefit since the travel does not feasible in the near future. Also to cut cost and to achieve same results, we are considering having banking officials visit learners during their sessions to have interactions with them.
In addition, we are on track at reaching our target. However, it may take us a lot more time than estimated. We are equally strategizing to see how far we can go on reaching 2000 or at least a significant percentage of it by the close of January 2022.
Financial report
Note: financial report is being adjusted