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Output report Kitchen Gardening

The project is still running. Results so far are:

We have worked with five farmers groups with a total of 78 direct farmers in the last three months. From the direct farmers, they have been able to contact and reach three of their household and community members each making a total of 234 indirect beneficiaries. 

 Farmers Groups 

  1. Kagaa Amani – 20
  2. Kamuchege – 20
  3. Miumia – 14
  4. Mwihoko – 10
  5. Gitwe – 14          

Observed changes

  • The groups did not have knowledge on organic farming which they now have and appreciate it very much
  • The farmers farms are now well planned compared to previously when they did not have the knowledge.
  • The farmers now have fresh supply of vegetables from the kitchen gardens 
  • The farmers are able to diversify and have different vegetable varieties that offer nutrition value
  • Replication of the training techniques from the groups farm to individual farms 
  • The farmers are now able to market their vegetables locally and earn an income

Video report

Adaptions made

Initially, in our proposal, we had targeted to work with 10 farmers groups with 150 farmers but due to Impact directs way of fundraising, they could not support the full projects activities at once. Due to this, we opted to reduce the number and work with half for the first phase of the project and engage the remaining groups in the second phase of the project funding which we will do in the coming year.

During implementation, besides training composting and kitchen gardening, we have also incorporated other farming techniques like;

  1. Making of biofertilizers that are very effective on production of horticulture crops
  2. Value addition ā€“ avoids wastages, increased shelf life and income 
  3. Detergents making ā€“ helps to improve on their hygiene and sanitation. They also can make income from selling the detergents. These detergents include jik, Dettol, liquid and bar soap. 

Financial report

Other sources of income used: Gitwe group contributed for their group to be trained on bio fertilisers 

Note: financial report is being adjusted

And as an extra COSDEP listed all the activities they did so far:

iMPACT direct

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