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Origin is one of the 86 Affecto students

Origin is happy with life, at least for now.

Few years back it was a difficult one punctuated with episodes of desperation and anxiety. He lived each day hoping for a better one.

And it has been the same story for as long as he can remember.

Origin was born in Western Kenya 17 years ago. He was the second born in a family of five siblings.

Fast forward, he found himself in an informal settlement in the southern parts of Nairobi. His mother had moved with them after their father unceremoniously deserted them and never to come back.
Life in the City was rough. They were lucky to have a complete meal in a day but always looking forward to making it in future. He worked hard in school. He felt education would be his best opportunity to get his family out of the pangs of poverty.

In 2017 he completed primary school education. He had excelled in his final year exams earning an opportunity to join a top school in Western Kenya for his secondary school education.
His mother was struggling to get food for her big family. She earned her wages by visiting different homes and assisting in laundry work.
With limited opportunity to proceed to high school for lack of school fees, Origin could only watch his dreams fade. He stayed home for two months as other former primary school classmates started high school life.
Mother and son were helpless. No opportunity was forthcoming. So he stayed at home. At home, deep in thoughts. Why was life treating him this way?

One day Origin felt he needed to do something to keep alive his dream of going to high school.
He got an old exercise book and a pen. He started moving round the market and shops asking people to donate money for his education. He would then write their names in the small book against cash donated. But it was too small a donation to make him get enough school fees.

Affecto Foundation got to hear his story and quickly picked him up. He soon after joined his dream school and has been working hard since then. He has been a shinning star in his studies.
Origin, just like 85 other students with similar or worse experiences, is a beneficiary of Affecto Education program sponsorship.
Affecto derives it’s strength in individual donors who have ensured all students report to school on time and equipped with adequate resources for learning.

Thank you iMPACT Direct for making this happen. Through your support, Origin and other students are guaranteed of an uninterrupted year of learning post covid-19.

We cannot thank you enough. Keep transforming lives with us.

iMPACT direct

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