Heritage Charity Foundation
Mission of your organisation
Richmond Smith, co-founder and project director of HCF wanted to give back to society:
“I was born into a very poor family, and became a school drop out after I lost both parents to a snake bite at the age of 4 years. Later, a member in our local church saw the potentials in me and decided to support me to return back to school. Currently, I am a graduate with MBA in project management. This is what motivated me to give back to society hence the formation of this NGO.”
HFC has a team of 7 volunteers with agric backgrounds working on this project. We are currently working with GIZ Ghana and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (crop division).

Past results
In the past 2 years, we trained 20 women during the prototype and are currently implementing their own agribusinesses which is impacting 200 lives of direct and indirect families.
The 20 women made a revenue of €3000 in the year 2020 and €3500 in the year 2021 respectively.
Long-term results for people