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Kick-off Innovative Women Farmers

On the 21st May 2022, we were privileged to kick-off the innovative women farmers project after several meetings with various stakeholders of the project. The farmer groups are very ambitious that this project will make real impact in their lives. 

Participants were taken through various programs and time schedule for each group. The district agricultural extension officers are part of our team to offer technical assistance to these farmers. Education activities on organic farming underway by experts to guide the farmers.

Farmers were also given the opportunity to share their concerns and further improve the training content. The farmers suggested that instead of supporting them with vegetable seedlings, they want the training intensify for them to be able to nurse their own seedlings to ensure sustainability after the project. It is interesting to note that, other women including men in the various communities want us to broaden the scope of the project so they can also benefit. 

Please see below what some participants has to say about the project.

My name is Ntosu Veronica, I thank VAO Ghana for bringing this initiative. It will help me and my family because I will not use the little money I make from the sale of cassava to buy vegetables.

Thank God I am part of this project. I initially do not have the skills to cultivate vegetables. I buy pepper, tomatoes, okra, garden eggs etc. but now I can cultivate vegetables. I thank all those who support this initiative” Evu Dzigbodi

It never occur to me to cultivate vegetables even though I am a farmer. Talking to us alone has awaken us and also changed our way of thinking. I will not be the only beneficiary of this project but also my family because I am ready to transfer the knowledge gain here to them. Cate Sarpong

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