E-Course Theory of Change for NonProfits
Start the new year afresh! Start refining your nonprofit strategy!
Join our free online e-course, and have your Theory of Change ready by the end of the month!
What is the course all about?
In 2 short e-courses per week (video + assignment and tools) we guide you through the process from problem analysis, via strategies to impact statement.
Watch the videos here: Our list for e-courses for NonProfits at YouTube
And read the instructions for each of the 6 videos in the description that comes with each video.
Have you watched all 6 videos and dod the first 5 assignments?
Find the format to create your Theory of Change here. Sit down with your team, and fill in the gaps, using the information you gathered from the assignments.
Share your Theory of Change
Wish to share the result? iMPACT direct is eager to showcase great solutions that are locally-led. And that’s why we highlight some of the great examples we receive! Use: @impactdirect.eu and #theoryofchange so we get to see yours too!
Note: This will be the first e-course sessions. After this one, we follow-up with annual plan e-course sessions.
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