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Access to Social Protection Services (SPSs) remains a teething challenge among fish processors within the coastal zones of Ghana. Notable among the fish processors’ SPSs needs is access to health insurance. Health insurance is a critical need for fish processors because of the occupational health hazards associated with fish smoking. Some of these health hazards include; eye infections and respiratory diseases due to the exposure to excessive heat and smoke. However, their enrollment in the national health insurance scheme (NHIS) is low as a result of limited knowledge, and misconceptions surrounding the scheme. This is worsened by low incomes, inadequate information, and bad experiences.
CERATH Development Organization (CDO) is working to curb this challenge by forging strategic partnerships between the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) and fish processors. Some activities being done by CDO include community meetings between fish processors and NHIA officials to exchange information and to clear misconceptions. Also, these meetings are providing the platform to eliminate the administrative hurdles faced by fish processors when registering on the NHIS.
With your donation, access to basic health care service for fish processors can be ensured and their livelihoods enhanced.