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Community members step up to redeem their lives

We are wives, mothers, and members of the community. We depend on casual work to sustain our families. It is not easy for us to cater for our needs due to the nature of our work. Casual work is not guaranteed daily. Sometimes we wake up not knowing where to go. We just visit peoples’ farms with the hope to get some work. Sometimes we get and at times we do not. Our employers can pay us with raw food or money. Either way, we appreciate it.

With the increased cost of living, it is very difficult to decide what to buy and what to forego. Access to food is our priority, other basic needs like clothing, education, and health come in later if we have enough. Providing a balanced meal with little money is very difficult because of the number of children and grandchildren at home.

Our children are in school and they need the necessities to learn. With the new education curriculum, we have to save some money in case our children need something. We want to give our children a better education so that their future can be bright. We don’t want them to go through the challenges we are facing today.

We thank Kalyet Afya Foundation for coming to our aid. They have introduced us to joint farming. We have now planted Sukuma Wiki (Kales) cabbages and potatoes on a small farm. After maturing we will consume them and sell the surplus. Vegetables will be out of our budget.

We have also learned how to make liquid soap. The soap helps us in our household and also adds to our income when sold. We can now maintain hygiene in our homes.

Knowledge of sexual and reproductive health and Family planning is now accessible to us. We can now proudly share the information with our friends and families without any fear of giving incorrect information.

Our journey with K.A.F is very helpful to us. We are positive that we will continue acquiring knowledge and skills which will be helpful to us.

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