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Additional information-Adding value to Root and Tuber Crops

  1. Do the project participants have an own contribution in and after the project?

Yes, they have. The 2 farmer groups in the project provide the labour needed in implementing the project. Already the farmers prepared a processing room that will be based in one of the group’s members’ farms who have agreed to provide space where all the project’s activities will be taking place.  By extension, this shows the commitment of the farmer groups towards sustainability of the project.

Moreso, the 2 farmer’s groups are very active and committed with many years in farming. The groups already have their own saving models that allows them to plan and improve their production and also cater for their emergency needs when they arise. These savings will be useful to this project before it breaks even and starts generating income for the group.   

Also important to mention is that the savings does not allow for the investments needed to buy the machinery needed to process Root and Tuber Crops. Due to current financial constraints today, they are now left to sell the fresh produce after harvests.

2. What happens to the materials of the project after the project?

Our proposal is that they be left to the group’s custody for projects continuity and sustainability. We believe that this will be a continuous project and in fact once it expands, it will be their responsibility to upscale and grow it further.

3. What approach does COSDEP takes to have the project more sustainable? Can it run after the projects ends in some way?

The groups working in this project already have a running organic market that will come in handy when it comes to marketing their products. We will have a working agreement with the groups that when the project breaks even, they will bring in other groups, train them and incorporate them in the project to increase production and profits which will make it more sustainable.

As an organization, we will organize to have regular follow ups even after the project period to record progress and advise them when needed. We will also link the groups up with other groups doing the same to help expand their networks in terms of markets and learning opportunities that arise.

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