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ACEC Intervenes with Another Mangrove Restoration Project to Curb Climate Change

In combatting climate change and its effects, Agriculture and Climate Empowerment Centre (ACEC) is underscoring the need for everyone to support restoration and protection of mangrove forests. ACEC is currently supporting local people within the Gomoa West District of Ghana to restore the ecological integrity the district’s coastline by conserving
mangroves and rehabilitating degraded land spaces with mangrove trees.

Mangroves are essential in protecting biodiversity and marine life. Mangroves serve as filtration systems by absorbing pollutants. They fight coastal erosion, acting as breaks to fight storms and energy from waves. Ultimately, the importance mangroves play in serving as carbon sinks and sequestering atmospheric carbon cannot be overemphasized.

With your support, ACEC will improve the livelihoods of 600 people who highly depend on mangroves and restore a total of 2.5 hectares along a significant stretch of the coastal district.

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