A Greengrocery Business Empowers Peninnah to Acquire Assets
OLCAP has partnered with iMPACT direct and AFAS to support 10 women from Isulu, Kakamega, to start small greengrocery and bakery businesses. Peninnah is one of the women that benefitted from the project.
After completing high school, Peninnah lacked funds to help her further her education. She was jobless and couldn’t meet her basic needs, especially food. OLCAP supported Penninah start a greengrocery business in July 2022. Peninnah says her vegetables and fruits stall business is doing so well, and she earns income daily and can afford nutritious food.
After two months, she used some of the profit from the business to acquire two piglets. Peninnah plans to rear the piglets to maturity and sell them at a good profit. She is grateful for the help she received to start a greengrocery business and the opportunity to acquire assets.